Sunday 20 May 2012

COP Publication - Final Crit

What is the publication trying to communicate?
People understood what my content was about. They got that it was about the Gutenberg press and the reason I had made it in a Bible style medium. 
The next set of people thought the traditional style was relevant to the topic. 
They thought a further booklet could be created to fill the cutout space and increase the content.

How is the format of the publication relevant to the content?
After that they thought the timeline was "effective and the format is stylish and it's a clever idea"
They thought the cutout book needs more of a clarification as to its purpose. They understood after reading the publication, which was good, but they didn't think the concept was immediate - The Bible being the first printed publication. They also said there was too much information and it was a bit intimidating.

Comment on the practical, conceptual and/or symbolic consideration of colour?
Black colour is traditional and recognisable as a Bible. Spectrum colours help understand timeline easily.
Timeline clashes with the rest of black and white theme. Consider toning it down. Also they said to keep the same stock. 

Who is the target audience?
Designers, print fanatics and historians

Assuming role of audience, what is your reaction to the publication?
They said it was interesting content and had a great colour chart timeline. They also said the design theme is suitable and the Bible theme is very strong. 'visually clever!', 'no issues'

Do you think this is the intended response? Explain your answer.
"Yes it is relevant and fun. Also tactile quality adds enjoyment. At the same time the text is serious and historical."

 What context(s) would the publication be appropriate for? Explain your answer.
Type/Design museums, College library and anwhere with the design students who want to know about the Gutenberg Press

Would it be appropriate for this publication to be viewed worldwide? Explain your answer.
 "Target audience should know about this subject worldwide so yes"

I am happy with the feedback I got and agree with most of what has been said. There was a bit of contrasting feedback. I plan to keep the stock the same as I forgot to switch off the background I used as a pretend off-white stock. (Antique White)

 I will also reduce the opacity of the timeline and tone it down a little, just so its not so in your face but without totally changing the colours. 

I wanted the publication to feel quote heavy on the content as I thought the brief was to make the content influence the design. My content idea being the text mimicking the 42-line style of the printed Bible Gutenberg made. Hopefully this will work in my favor - some people got it, some didn't. 

I am going to create another separate page for my references giving me more space for my glossary. 

Overall I am very happy with my feedback and with what I presented I think it was very fair.

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